Vince is 40



I’ve always been interested in networks of people. I can remember when the internet first came mainstream the site SixDegrees ran under the principle that everyone is connected within 6 degrees of each other. Simply put, there is a path that includes no more than 6 people from me to anyone on the planet.  Kevin Bacon is likely a part of those six degrees too.

I’m not sure how true that principle is, but I’m sure Facebook has the best data of anyone. The toughest part about being in a completely new locale is that you don’t have any connections. I wanted to build connections inside and outside of work here. I met Mark my first time here in Sydney and he’s been an awesome mate to know here. At his birthday party I met Dan and Vincent who then in turn invited me to Vinnie’s 40th.

That was really significant to me as it was the first authentic second degree connection here. I’m meeting people through people. I was stoked.

Vince’s 40th was over in Surry Hills, a once downtrodden but now hip and trendy area of Sydney. He and Dan rented out the top floor of the bar for a private party with a full band. The crowd was mixed group from all over.

It was great to celebrate the evening amongst new friends ☺.


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One response to “Vince is 40”

  1. Jen Baxter Avatar

    Hey Dan,
    Great meeting you too!
    Thanks for taking a look at my blog.

    I love the photos in this post. Those serendipitous travel connections are such fun. You’ve really captured it.

    Hope to see you at another meet up.

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